Sunday, July 27, 2008

Conversations of 4 year olds. . .

We have been enjoying our visit with one of our nephews, Luke (Lukester) who is 8 weeks younger than Addie. On our way to church this morning they were having a conversation about a movie Luke has seen called "Monster House." The conversation went like this. . .

Luke: Then they dropped a bomb on the house!
Addie: What's a bomb?
Luke: It's like the thing they put in guns.
Addie: Like a bowling ball?
Luke: Yeah, that's it. . .

I started laughing and they asked me what was funny. I decided to let them keep their innocence a little longer and not explain what a bomb was. This is just one of the many funny conversations we've been hearing. . .

1 comment:

The Adkins Family said...

Oh my can totally tell those two are related! They are both so adorable!

My niece and Connor are 20 days apart, and I just love it. They are really close, and I love watching them grow up together.